Account status check

This API returns the following information of the account related to the API-Token passed in the header.

  • Name of the Account in cmercury.

  • Status of the cmercury account.

  • Status of the Verify account.

  • Credit Balance available for verification

  • Owner of the API Token (Email Address of user)

  • Status of Owner of the API Token. (Enabled/Disabled)

Response Parameters and their explanations

  • AccountName: Name of the account in cmercury
  • ClientAccountStatus: Status of the account
  • TokenOwner: Owner of the API-Token
  • TokenOwnerStatus: Status of the owner
  • VerifyActiveStatus: Status of Verify Feature
  • VerifyCreditBalance: Credit balance available for verification
  • Message: Message about any errors in processing.
  • Success: Status of the API process.
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